How To: Vine

After taking over the world 140 characters at a time, Twitter are ready to take on the video facet of social media and have unveiled Vine as their means to do so. This handheld, six second video edit suite is sure to be a hit. So The MANual have provided this four step guide on how to use it so you can get filming right from the off!

How To:

1. Getting Started

Make sure you follow The MANual on Vine!

Make sure you follow The MANual on Vine!

Seems pretty obvious but you will need a Vine account. The user friendly app makes this a quick and simple process. Either sign up with your email or you can link it with your Twitter account! It will link with your contacts or followers so it’s easy to find your mates! Of course, make sure you follow TheMANual to see our shenanigans from in and around the office!

2. Lights, Camera…

Share your best Vine's with The MANual!

Share your best Vine’s with The MANual!

OK, so once you’re set up on Vine you’ll want to become social media’s answer to Speilberg – right? And why not? To get going select the camera icon to bring up the next screen. But before you do it might be worth checking out other Vine’s from this home screen. See if you can out do your mate’s Partridge impression or Kubrick-esque tea making video!

3. Action!

The funniest ones will be shared on our website!

The funniest ones will be shared on our website!

Right, first day of filming. Daunting enough for any director but with a max running time of six seconds you’ve got to be sure this is the masterpiece you want to produce. Once you’re settled, just touch the screen to film a shot. The longer you leave your finger on the screen the longer the shot. So if you want a short snappy shot just tap the screen. More taps, more shots!

4. Sharing’s Caring

Keep checking The MANual's Vine for our cool vids!

Keep checking The MANual’s Vine for our cool vids!

So you have the final cut and you find yourself at the Share page. Now it would be a crime against cinema to keep your groundbreaking videos a secret – so share it! Because Vine is Twitter’s baby it gives you the option to share it on there and also on Facebook. After this guide we know you’ll be creating some awesome vids so we recommend you share on both!

Q&A: Personal Trainers

With interest in Personal Training increasing The MANual interviews two from the field to find the do’s and don’ts of Personal Training.

Richie Bentley – Strength & Conditioning Coach at Notts CCC

Richie recommends beginning with cardio.

Richie recommends beginning with cardio.

Why use a personal trainer?

Personal trainers are health and fitness professionals who are specially trained to help you achieve your fitness goals. You may choose to hire a personal trainer to help you lose weight, build muscle or increase endurance. Perhaps you just want to look and feel better. A personal trainer can help you set realistic goals and show you how to achieve them.

What type of training should a beginner do when starting out at the gym?

I would strongly recommend that cardiovascular exercise is done but the intensity and type of exercise is dependent upon the capabilities of the individual for example for somebody who has no previous experience of exercise they should start off with a low intensity exercise which will held build a foundation to move onto more intense exercise.

How long should a workout last?

To build muscle and get stronger you want to get to the gym hit it hard, stimulate size and strength gains, and then get out. That means no more than sixty minutes total, excluding warm up time. When you start training your body will naturally boost testosterone levels significantly higher than normal. This increased output peaks somewhere around a half hour into your workout. By taking blood samples of their athletes, sports science researchers found that at the 45-minute mark your testosterone levels are coming back down to baseline. And after sixty minutes your body will start to produce less testosterone and more cortisol, which is a hormone that eats muscle tissue and increases body fat storage. Obviously this is a scenario you want to avoid.

When can I expect to see results?

If you’re a beginner to working out, the first 6 weeks of your training program are very important even though you may not see significant results. These first 6 weeks are known as the “neuromuscular adaptation phase” and are characterized by an increased in muscular co-ordination and improved strength without a significant physical transformation, therefore you will not experience immediate results, just remember that the first 6 weeks lay the foundation. After that, the weight will start to fall off or the muscles development will start to be visible.

What are the most common mistakes in the gym?

The most common mistake I encounter is people not having a warm-up. Muscles don’t stretch or contract fully until warmed. Expecting them to do so without preparing them sets you up for tears and pulls. If you want to stay injury free, your body absolutely must warm up properly. Do something to gently increase the temperature of your muscles – walk a few minutes very easy on the treadmill or do a set of reps on the machines at a very low weight. The next common is Setting Unrealistic Goals For example If your goal is to be the next Bradley Wiggins, and you only have 30 minutes a day to train, how realistic is that? You need to set appropriate goals that start from where you are and progress at a reasonable rate, or you’re sure to get frustrated and quit.

What piece of advice would you give to somebody wanting to get fit?

Before starting in the gym you should set a goal. This will be crucial for the adherence of the programme because it will allow you to be able to monitor their progress towards that goal. This has important benefits both emotionally and psychologically which will help you achieve this goal. The thrill of achieving will spur you on to work harder on that next goal.

Nathan Walters – Personal Trainer at Bannatyne’s Health Club, Mansfield


Nathan believes you are never too old for a PT.

Why Personal Training?

Personal training can be used for many different reasons, whether you are training for a certain goal, need a training partner to push yourself or just need a reason to actually train. Personal training is not just about pumping weights or pounding the treadmill in the gym with someone shouting at you, it’s much more than that, personal trainers will improve your technique, give a variety of training that is tailored to your goals and provide professional advice on diet, nutrition and lifestyle.

Am I too old for a Personal Trainer?

You are never too old for personal training. It doesn’t matter how old you are personal training is for everyone, a personal trainer will devise a training and diet plan around your specific goals whether that is to compete in a bodybuilding competition or just to make the day easier to get through.

Do I have to be very fit in the first place?

No a high level of fitness is not a necessity when starting personal training, the personal trainer will talk to you about your goals then run several tests on you that test different aspects of your fitness before you start so that you can start at a manageable level and then build from there, so there is no worry you will be asked to do anything that is completely out of your capabilities.

How often should I train?

This depends on your goals and the time spent training per day, the standard is 3-4 days per week which can be all spent with a personal trainer or some days just on your own following the programme set by them. As important as it is to train, it is as important to rest, rest days give the body a chance to recover and adapt to the training done.

When can I expect to see results?

Depending on your body’s ability to adapt to a change in your workouts it could be within two weeks, usually you can see and feel changes after around a month. The results will also not just be things you can see such as bigger or more toned muscles but also internally such as feeling less tired in the day, feeling happier through the release of endorphins via exercise and also how normal day to day activities feel easier.

Will I enjoy it?

You should do. This depends on the personal trainer really but maybe you won’t when your been pushed to work harder than you have in the past but when you start to feel and see the results you will be hooked and will start to enjoy your sessions. It’s also very important to build up a relationship with your personal trainer and when this has been done you will start to trust them and believe in what they are doing to help you reach your goals.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to someone wanting to get fit?

It is imprtant when getting fit to build things up gradually while also pushing yourself to improve. That might sound like a contradicting statement but it’s a mistake a lot of people make, they start of really hammering themselves and end up losing all motivation or people achieve a certain milestone and decide to just stick at that, the problem with that is the body adapts very quickly and you will plateau if you don’t push yourself. The best way to do this is when you have reached a certain weight or distance increase it the next time till you can do then complete the new target then increase again. So, my best piece of advice would be to put mind over matter. Know your abilites and let your brain work with your braun to maximise your fitness programme.

Icon: David Beckham

It’s safe to say that David Beckham is recongised as a top-level footballer, well respected family man and the jewel in a nation’s crown.

beckham psg

Beckham has settled well into his PSG role

But even more so than these three, Beckham has developed himself into a style icon, dominating the catwalk and the side walk. Fitting, then, that he now finds himself in Paris plying his trade as a footballer – yes he still does that – though you could be excused into thinking that he has set up a fashion HQ there ready to dominate the world.

But Beckham’s style has followed his football. He is without a doubt a stylish footballer but, by god, what a stylish man. He began as a fresh faced, London boy making his way through the youth structure at Manchester United. His performances on the pitch and handsome exterior made him a tabloid’s dream and we began seeing his face on every newsstand in the country.

Though it was in 1999 when he was catapulted into super stardom playing his part in Sir Alex Ferguson’s treble winning United side. Beckham first set foot on his road to becoming a style icon. In 1997 he started dating the then Victoria Adams, known globally as “Posh Spice”. The couple were married in 1999 and thus became “Posh and Becks”

It is with no doubt that Victoria’s influence shaped Beckham’s style but the public lapped it up. Whether it be sarongs, or Mohican hairstyles people up and down the country were copying. Despite whatever was said in the media.

Even his injuries generated hype across the globe. A rogue boot left Beckham with a gash above his left eye after Ferguson was furious with a United performance. This caused a Japanese waxwork museum to commission a likeness off Beckham, boot gash and all.

Though now a married man he was still seen as some sort of rebel, this view changed when the man became captain of England. Ever the patriot, Beckham held this role with dignity and honour.

When he signed for Madrid in 2003 he took with him his style and showcased it not only on the European stage, but also the world’s stage. A clothing campaign by Marks and Spencer quickly followed and “Brand Beckham” was born.

In 2007, he took the world by storm when he became the MLS’ highest ever paid player after singing for the Los Angeles Galaxy. This showcased the power of “Brand Beckham” as he thrusted the provincial American league into a worldwide brand.

Fitting that while playing in LA that Beckham had a two loan spells in Milan. Almost like the fashion elders demanded Beckham to be exhibited as one of their own.

Now as he takes the French league by storm for PSG, he has launched his own clothing brand backed by H&M. With a particularly raunchy advertising campaign which has women and men blushing.

So it’s only apt that Beckham will now be strutting his stuff along the Champs-Élysées and having coffee with Victoria in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. So brand Beckham really is the property of the fashion capitals.

Created in London, polished by Milan, and finished by Paris. We salute you, Becks.

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